Bounty Land Application for Hillsborough County Pioneer Seth Howard

Source: Bounty-Land Warrants for Military Service, 1775–1855, (Washington, D.C.: National Archives), Record Group 15, Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, applications of Seth Howard, #17 and #2605.

Seth Howard’s Bounty Land Application and transcription can be found here.

Service Confirmed by the Commissioner of Pensions

The following service was found and attributed to James Seth Howard by the Office of the Commissioner of Pensions for which he was eventually given a Bounty Land Warrant for 80 acres:

1.      Captain Hall‘s Company from 11 March 1840 to 3 August 1840.

2. Captain Ellis’ Company from 17 August 1840 to 5 December 1840.

Service Claimed by James Seth Howard

The following service was claimed by Seth Howard via his own affidavits in his application:

1.      Butt’s or Butts’ or Bart’s Company of Louisiana Volunteers

a.      “Private in the Company commanded by Captain Butt or Bart in the ____ Regiment of _____ commanded by Genl or Col Smith of the Louisiana Volunteers in the Florida war”

b.      “Private in the company commanded by Captain Butts in the regiment of Louisiana Volunteers      commanded by Col. P Smith in the war with the Indians in Florida, that he volunteered at Tampa Florida on or about twentieth day of February in the year thousand eight hundred and thirty six for the term of three months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of three months and was honorably discharged at Tampa Florida on or about the twentieth day of May in the year A.D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty six”

2.      Hall’s Company of Florida Volunteers

a.      “Sergeant or Corporal and then a Private in the Companies commanded by Capt. Hiram Hall in the ____ Regiment of ____ commanded by Col. WJ Bayley in the Florida war. That he volunteered under Capt. Hall in or about the __ day of __ AD 1839 at St. Marks Florida for the term of three months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of three months and was honorably discharged near St. Marks on the ___ day of ___ 1840 as will or should appear by the muster rolls of said company. And that he volunteered again under Capt. Hall on or about the __ day __ AD 1840 for the term of three months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of three months and was honorably discharged at ____ on or about __ day of __ A.D. 1840”

b.      “Corporal in the company commanded by Hiram Hall in the Regiment of                   commanded by Wm J Baly in the war with the Indians in Florida that he volunteered at St Marks Florida on or about the                       in the year AD one thousand eight hundred and                 for the term of three months and continued in actual service for the term of three months and was honorably discharged at the Fort Pleasant on or about the          in the year one thousand eight hundred and                        “

3.      Ellis’ Company Florida Volunteers

a.      “4th Sergeant in the Company commanded by Capt. Thos. C Ellis in the 1st Regiment of ____ commanded by Col WJ Bayley in the Florida war”

b.      “Sergeant in the Company commanded by Thomas C Ellis Ellis Cpt. in                   Regiment of commanded by Col George Reed that he volunteered at Ft. White on or about the                                in the year AD one thousand Eight hundred and                     for the term of three months           and was actually engaged in the war for the said three months and was honorably discharged at Newnansville Florida on or about             in the year AD one thousand eight hundred and     “

Service Records Found for James, James S., and Seth Howard

Actual service records that I have found for James, James S, and Seth Howard for the Second Seminole War independently are as follows (Note, service with Captain Hall and Captain Ellis will be the only records discussed in this post.  Service under Butt/s/Bart and the Louisiana Volunteers will be discussed in a seperate blog post even though it was the earliest period of service claimed):

Captain Hall’s Muster Roll, December 10, 1839 to March 10, 1840

Florida. Office of the Adjutant General. Hiram Hall's Company Muster Roll, 1839. 1839. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <>, accessed 23 February 2024.

On Seth Howard’s Bounty Land Application in 1855, it is noted that he served in Captain Hiram Hall’s Company during the Florida Seminole Wars in 1839 and 1840 under the name “James S. Howard”. James S. Howard is listed as a Corporal on this Muster Roll. The company was stationed at Camp Pleasant in East Florida.

Captain Hall’s Muster Roll, March 11, 1840 to August 3, 1840

I have been unable to locate the original or a transcribed copy of this muster roll, but it is noted in his application by the Office of the Commissioner of Pensions as service that can be confirmed and the auditor notes being able to find Seth Howard’s name upon the said muster roll.

Captain Hall’s Muster Roll, August 3, 1840 to November 3, 1840

University of Florida Digital Collections;; Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars; Volume 4; Published from original material by the Florida Department of Military Affairs; Images 32-33 of 75

On Seth Howard’s Bounty Land Application in 1855, it is noted that he served in Captain Hiram Hall’s Company during the Florida Seminole Wars in 1839 and 1840 under the name “James S. Howard” and “James Howard”. James Howard is listed as a Private on this Muster Roll. The muster roll is for service from August 3, 1840 to November 3, 1840. The company was commanded by Col. Wm. J Bailey. The company was stationed at Camp Gamble and traveled 60 miles to place of rendezvous. Camp Gamble was located in current-day Waukeenah, Jefferson County, Florida. Camp Pleasant was located “22 miles upriver from the mouth of the Econfina River, on the east bank, about halfway (?) between Fort Andrews and Hickstown (Greenville).” (see in modern-day Taylor County, Florida. Thus, Camp Pleasant and Camp Gamble were roughly 60 miles apart and this is likely a rough estimate of where James Seth Howard was traveling between his previous service in Capt Hall’s Company from Dec 1839 to March 1840 stationed at Camp Pleasant until he reenlisted again with Capt Hall’s Company in August of 1840 at Camp Gamble. James Howard is noted as being absent without leave since October 1st.

HOWEVER, it must be noted that he was not credited with this service when awarded his Bounty Land Warrant because this service over-laps with the service noted below. However, both companies were commanded by W.J. Bayley/Bailey so I speculate that this is more of an administrative problem/error. OR, what if, after all this time and discussion, and back and forth with the pension office….there really were two men — one named “James Seth Howard” and one named “James Howard”? We will keep it in our back pocket for now.

Captain Ellis’ Muster Roll, August 17, 1840 to November 17, 1840

University of Florida Digital Collections;; Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars; Volume 4; Published from original material by the Florida Department of Military Affairs; Images 11-12 of 75

On Seth Howard’s Bounty Land Application in 1855, it is noted that he served in Captain Ellis’ Company during the Florida Seminole Wars in 1840. Seth Howard is listed as a Sergeant on this Muster Roll. The muster roll is dated from Aug 17 to November 17, 1840.

Captain Ellis’ Muster Roll, August 17, 1840 to December 5, 1840

University of Florida Digital Collections; Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars; Volume 4; Published from original material by the Florida Department of Military Affairs; Images 9-11 of 75


Identifying Brothers for Harriet C. Howard


Hillsborough Florida Pioneer and Settler Seth Howard at the Beginning of the Second Seminole War