Index of Settlers’ Land Applications in Florida through the Armed Occupation Act of 1842
I have been using the Bureau of Land Management website to look for land patents for my Alabama and Florida settlers almost since the beginning of my genealogical journey. One of the first classes I took described this resource and taught me how to use the site. What I didn’t realize until the very last few months, is that the original applications for these land patents could be ordered from the National Archives. (Shout out to the Research Like a Pro podcast that did an episode back in early December that mentioned this fact). I have ordered a few of these applications, but it can take up to 90 days for the request to be fulfilled. I’ll keep you updated! They cost $30 to $50 a piece and I’m hoping that they are full of genealogical information. Or, they might be a big bust. I’ll let you know what I find out…
Quite a few of my Florida pioneers applied for Land Patents using the Armed Occupation Act of 1842.
From wikipedia:
When searching broadly on, I looked at the Catalog for Florida, United States.
Catalog search to find records for the entire state of Florida.
Under the “United States, Florida - Land and property ( 28 )” option, I was excited to see “Armed occupation act settlers records, 1842-1843”.
And these are free to view!
The record set for settlers under the Armed Occupation Act of 1842 in Florida.
These applications contain each applicant’s name, the application number, the month and year the applicant moved to the Territory of Florida, and whether they are married and the head of a household or single and over the age of 18. Below is the application made by 4th great-grandfather, Seth Howard.
Seth Howard’s application for land under the Armed Occupation Act of 1842. United States, Florida; Armed occupation act settlers records, 1842-1843; Land permits, Knight, John, no. 171-Z The following are not found in index: Abandoned or annulled permits Notices, refusals, acceptances, land claims, permits and surveys; Film # 008570270; Image 1441 of 1768; Land Application 299.
Not only do we learn that Seth Howard arrived in the Territory of Florida in February 1816, but we also see that he is a “single man” as of the date of his application. This is particularly interesting considering that marriage records from Hillsborough County, Florida from before 1846 do not exist and his first child with his wife Harriet C Howard was born in 1845. So, we know he and Harriet got married sometime between November 6, 1842 (the date of his land application) and the arrival of his first child.
Also of note is that his application is number 299. When looking at the index of applications, we see that Richard Howard is application number 292, and A.G. Howard is land application number 296. Since they not only share his last name but also applied for land around the same time, they are good avenues of collateral line research for me to pursue. A Wily Howard also applied for a land patent, but his application was number 932, so this is a less promising lead. Knowing the application numbers helps me to prioritize which leads to research first. I will also be researching the folks who are application numbers 293-295 and 297-298 because maybe they all knew each other? Possibly. But definitely something worth looking into further.
There is an index to the applications, but it is not searchable within Family Search. Below, I have created a transcription (using OCR) of the original index published in The Florida Armchair Researcher - v. 1 (1984) - v. 1, no. 2 (Spring 1984) by Joel Dixon Wells and Brian E. Michaels. If you want to search the list below, it is alphabetic, or you can do the “find” command from your web browser’s tools.
Applicants under the Armed Occupation act of 1842
Name Application Number
Addison, Robert James 675
Agnew, Henry 61
Aguiar, Vento T. 263
Albritten, L. 370
Aldermon, Timothy 423
Aldrich, Edward S. 251
Alexander, Isaac H. 484
Alexander, William S. 352
Alford, Hosford R. 777
Alford, John 382
Allen, John B. or M. 134
Allen, William P. 912
Alvarez, Geronimo 257
Alvaris, John 346
Anderson, Lewis 363
Andrews, William A. 187
Andrews, William D. 682
Arnold, Henry I. 291
Ashby, George Washington 345
Ashe, Pincknez H. 449
Asteen (Asteers) John A. 515
Atkins, John C. 46
Attaway, Eliza 353
Austin, William L. M. 503
Ayers, Charlotte 110
Babb, Robert F. 567
Backley, Samuel B. 160
Bacon, John 755
Bailer, Jacob 122
Baillie, Peter K. 235
Baisden, Patricia 475
Baker, Arthur A. 105
Baker, Isaac B. 118
Baker, James T 132
Baker, James W. 114
Baker, John 47
Baker, Simon 663
Baldwin, John S.M. 324
Ballard, James C. 263
Ballard, John 26
Ballard, Lewis 276
Ballard, Wiley C. 275
Ballard, William L. 636
Barber, Cornelius 176
Barber, John V. 530
Barker, John 69
Barker, Philip P. 136
Barnard, E F 219
Barnes, John Wesley 642
Barnes, Thomas 384
Barnes, William T. 383
Barrett, Richard H. 73
Barrow, Thomas E. 44
Barry, Elizabeth Ann 576
Bartow, Anthony 311
Bartow, Isadore 312
Basford, John 168
Basker, Edward 150
Bassett, John 248
Bates, Fleming 725
Bates, James M. 10
Bates, John 290
Bates, Wilson 712
Baugh, Michael C. 512
Baxter, John 348
Baxter, O. 171
Beacham, Hartwell I./J 497
Beal, Eber 424
Beal, Henry 619
Beall, William A. 321
Beamer, George H. 231
Beaufort, Simeon 96
Beggs, John A. 141
Belknap, J. P. 158
Bell, Arthur W. 579
Bell, George 766
Bell, Louis 84
Bell, M. H. 208
Bell, William 317
Benj amin, Dr. Samuel c. 209
Benner, Henry 60
Bennett, William 154
Benning, Thomas C. 694
Bens, Frederick 616
Bertrand, Joseph 298
Bethell, William H. 140
Bettrell, John O. 50
Bevan, Robert 859
Bevill, Clayburn 453
Bevill, Grunville Jr. 452
Bevill, James 269
Bevill, James T. 869
Bevin, William I. 759
Biecroft, Stephen H. 67
Bird, Edmund 261
Bird, James 645
Bird, John J. 205
Bishop, Samuel 549
Black, Pleasant M. 635
Black, Wiley 660
Blackburn, James C. 524
Bleach, Amander M. 493
Bleach, James 183
Bleach, John Jr. 181
Bleach, John Sr. 182
Bleach, William H. 180
Bleach, Willis 184
Blitch, James 193
Booley, Hubert H. 300
Bouldin, William D. 78
Bower, Isaac E. 749
Boyd, 1. B. Jr. 151
Boyd, James A. A. 181
Boyer, Edward Jr. 123
Boyer, Edward Sr. 125
Boyet, James A. 111
Boyet, John 103
Braden, Joseph A. 311
Bradley, Robert D. 220
Branch, Britton 760
Branch, John J. 146
Branch, Little Berry 90
Branch, S. T. A. 336
Branch, William D. 872
Brand, Horace 513
Brayton, C. L. 236
Bridges, John M. 948
Bridges, John M. 161
Bright, John 565
Bright, Mortimer 924
Brittain, William P. 482
Brooker, William P. 846
Brooks, Ashby H. 57
Brooks, John 572
Brooks, John 881
Brooks, Spencer 56
Brooks, Thomas 153
Brooks, Wiley 58
Brooks, William H. 429
Broward, John Jr. 162
Brown, Christian M. 107
Brown, Ezekiel 134
Brown, Rigden 377
Brown, Susannah 135
Brown, William T. 283
Browne, Richard J. 227
Brunett, Joseph 767
Bruny, Isaac 947
Brush, Lileaby A. 2
Brushwood, J. H. 668
Bruton, David 272
Bubitz, Charles L. 617
Burgar, Jacob 79
Burgess, James 795
Burk, James 547
Burnell, John P. 667
Burnett, Laburn 88
Burnham, Mills O. 59
Burnham, William 195
Burnside, James W. 97
Burroughs, B. B. 98
Burroughs, James 95
Butler, William 98
Byrd, Mary 339
Cabett, Robert 385
Caldwell, John 203
Callet, E.P. 353
Campbell, Nancy 106
Campfield, Edward 225
Canagen, James D. 665
Cannon, Daniel 404
Cannon, John 468
Capers, William Jr. 175
Carlisle, Pefsu/Jesse? 9
Carlton, Aldaman 414
Carpenter, Ora 274
Carresal, John 35
Carresas, Richard 37
Carresas, Stephen 36
Carrol, Curtis 756
Carrol, John 659
Carruth, Cotesworth L. 321
Carter, Elisha 905
Carter, Elijah W. 329
Caruthers, James 389
Carvers, John 791
Carvicewich, Louis 380
Casey, Theophelus 270
Cathey, I. W. 294
Cato, Abraham 335
Cawley, Robert W. 817
Caywood, James B. 166
Center, George 192
Chamberlain, Willis 836
Chave, Thomas 179
Chavers, Daniel 446
Chesser, John 746
Chesser, Mathew 744
Chism, James 716
Clairson, George 892
Clark, Albert 514
Clark, Elihu 516
Clark, Henry E.W. 175
Clark, Henry S. 598
Clark, Robert W. 228
Clelland, John C. 84
Clifton, Jonathan 154
Clurry, Samuel 929
Cobb, William A. 212
Cobb, William T/ J? 211
Cochrane, Edward 673
Coffee, William S. 332
Cohen, William H. 754
Colding, Thomas 22
Coles, Isaac 797
Coller, Levi 314
Coller, Uriah John 306
Collier, William 420
Collins, Enoch 439
Colson, Hope H. 671
Colson, Thomas C. 672
Comstock, Budley B. 11
Connell, James I. 750
Connell, James T. 785
Connell, William 783
Conner, John O. 763
Connor, Patrick O. 74
Conway, Ephraim 807
Conway, Henry 798
Conway, James 800
Conyers, Isaac 925
Conyiers, Daniel 422
Cook, Lucian P. 146
Cooley, William 89
Cooper, Ambrose 119
Cooper, William B. 806
Cope, John H. 119
Corr, John 226
Cosby, Samuel 923
Coverly, Thomas 847
Cowles, Norman 319
Coxetter, Louis 194
Craig, John 165
Crane, Henry A. 10
Crawford, Emanuel 41
Crawford, William 728
Crevis, Benj amin 45
Crews, Bea W. 419
Crews, Dempsey D. 421
Crews, Eliza L. 832
Crofford, Jesse 40
Croft, John C/ E? 845
Cronk, Harrison 830
Crosby, James 32
Crum, David D. 131
Crum, Herman 344
Crum, Richard R. 7
Cruthers, William 365
Cuarr, Isham 418
Cummings, William M. 21
Cunliffe, James 309
Cunningham, S.W. 149
Curigen, Owen 538
Curry, George 142
Curry, George 1. 194
Curry, John 143
Curry, John 886
Curry, John 18
Curry, John E. 38
Curry, Moses 265
Curry, William Jr. 195
Curry, William Sr. 191
Dadis, Robert 693
Dampier, John G. 268
Dampier, Martha 715
Dampier, Steven 875
Daniels, Abraham 501
Daniels, Enoch 432
Daniels, James G. 433
Daniels, Lewis 863
Daniels, Wiley 74
Daniels, William 73
Darby, Mary 104
Davidson, John 307
Davis, Alexander 215
Davis, Charlotte 124
Davis, George W. 113
Davis, Jacob R. 228
Davis, James 823
Davis, John 386
Davis, John 805
Davis, Peter 541
Davis, William 117
Davis, Zachariah 376
Deaton, Nathaniel 669
Deavours, Andrew I. 698
DeCottes, Edward A. 34
Delaney, William 318
Deleskine, Joseph 283
Demarest, Jane C. 695
Demastens, Henry C. 8
Dennison, Edward 17
Denokla, Henry J. 229
Dexter, Samuel 935
Dickinson, James M. 774
Dillard, Arthur 815
Dixon, Alvira 811
Dixon, Britton 214
Dixon, John 916
Dixon, Richard 597
Dodson, Jeremiah 551
Dofenhart, J. Henry 627
Dolan, Joseph H. 393
Donnelly, Thomas 285
Doney, Theodore D. 325
Dougharty, John 826
Douglas, Thomas 307
Douglass, Allen D. 31
Douglass, Benj amin 349
Duling, John C. 877
Dummett, Douglas 42
Dunlop, Robert 253
DuPont, Cornelius 51
DuPont, Cornelius 294
Durham, M. L. 592
Durrance, Francis 683
Durrance, Framcis M. 889
Durrance, Jesse H. 927
Dyall, James R. 812
Dyess, John 54
Dykes, George D. 135
Dykes, Jesse D. 192
Easley, Benjamin 732
Eaton, John 6
Eaton, Joseph 137
Eberty, Joseph 358
Ebzaure, Joseph 590
Edes, Daniel B. 233
Edwards, Christopher H. 160
Edwards, William 32
Eigle, Samuel 143
Ellis, George 810
Ellis, James 587
Ellis, Moses 375
Emery, Charles S. 531
Englesmann, L. H. 913
Evertson, John R. 31
Evertson, Walter 29
Evertson, Walter 201
Eyles, William 308
Fagan, Stephen 887
Fagan, Thomas 223
Fail, William B. 48
Farran, William H. 72
Faust, Philip 229
Ferrel, William 82
Filman, James D. 822
Filman, John 821
Fitts, Henry B. 779
Fletcher, R.R. 27
Fletcher, R. R. 281
Flortard, Theodore Jno 364
Flotard, AdelIe 365
Floyd, Andrew 289
Follensbee, John 315
Ford, Nicholas 15
Forsythe, George 379
Foster, A.H. 786
Fraser, George R. 313
Fraser, James 314
Fraser, William M. 310
Frazier, George W. 494
Frederick, Augusten 304
Freeman, William D. 287
Fribley, Christopher 340
Frink, William 467
Fritts, William 230
Fry, Patrick 77
Fulenwider, Henry 644
Fulford, Guyton 849
Fulford, Mitch 848
Fuller, Daniel 584
Fuller, Benjamin P. 862
Funck, Suctwig 328
Furgenson, Neil 666
Furr, Nathaniel 637
Gage, Alexander 602
Gage, Lot 317
Gainey, Ashley 496
Gainey, Samuel 367
Galbraith, Laughlin 430
Galbreath, Malcolm 64
Galbreth, William 764
Gallagher, John 27
Gallaher, Michael 320
Gardner, Jesse 163
Gardner, John 335
Garey, John E. 199
Garner, James 33
Garrason, Isaac 4
Garrason, Joseph N. 87
Garrason, Mary Ann 86
Garrason, Richard L. 130
Garrason, William M. 88
Garrison, Michael 445
Garrison, Seaborn D. 217
Cary, Thomas B.R. 458
Gates, Isaiah 310
Geiger, Aaron M. 908
Geiger, Abraham 75
Geiger, Abraham E. 76
Geiger, Enoch T. 29
Geiger, George F. 407
Geiger, Henry 127
Geiger, John A. 5
Geiger, Samuel 323
George, John 76
Geraldo, Antonio 269
Gibbons, Delia D. 687
Gibbons, James 12
Gibson, Samuel 216
Gilbert, David 624
Gill, Dennis 789
Gill, James W. 911
Gill, Joseph S. 495
Gilman, William W. 91
Glasgow, James 302
Glazier, Ezekiel 606
Glenn, Eliza 111
Glinski, Stanislaus 42
Goddard, Asa I. 925
Godwin, Allen 59
Godwin, Cebern 825
Godwin, Littleton 260
Godwin, Richard I. 550
Godwin, Solomon 53
Godwin, Solomon 835
Goff, James A. 360
Goillon, John 890
Comas, John 699
Gomez, Emanuel 246
Goodrich, Charles 100
Goodrich, Henry 202
Gordy, Eli 390
Gorman, Charles S. 170
Gorre, John 14
Gorton, George 234
Gough, James 788
Gould, William 260
Graham, Green G. 66
Grant, James L. 78
Grantham, Benjamin 243
Green, James D. 312
Green, John C. 464
Green, William G. 235
Griam, Ephraim 618
Griffin, Joab 304
Griffin, John D. 479
Grimes, William Dawson 77
Gunther, Maria 510
Gustigo, Antonio 891
Guy, T.B. 302
Haddock, John H. 388
Hafe, John C. 349
Hagan, Ethelbert 182
Hagan, Patrick 227
Hagun, Alfred 688
Hagun, Elizabeth 689
Haguns, Daniel B. 690
Halbrook, Jacob 858
Hale, John S. 116
Hale, Peter 784
Haley, Salisbury 287
Hall, James 178
Hall, Joseph G. 260
Hall, Mary 177
Hall, Mary 277
Hall, Nehemiah 895
Hall, Richard Y. 268
Hall, Solomon 207
Hall, Thomas 189
Hall, William 753
Halliday, Solomon 580
Ham, Henry 218
Hamilton, John 593
Hancock, Durham 490
Hancock, Henry W. 899
Hancock, Shadick 897
Hancock, William H. 898
Hand, George 824
Hardenbrook, James 186
Harn, William 13
Harrell, Daniel 242
Harrell, John 151
Harris, Ezra 295
Harris, John C. 394
Harris, Richard T. 395
Harris, William T. 396
Hart, Elias I. 1
Hart, Ossian 62
Hart, William B. 628
Hart, William I. 681
Harvey, James 793
Harvey, James S. 860
Harvey, Simeon 873
Harville, Berryan 68
Harville, Edward M. 116
Harville, John E. 148
Harville, Warren 186
Hatch, Chancey L. 210
Haven, Charles H. 230
Hayes, Isaac 528
Hayman, Henry 267
Hayman, James 222
Hayman, Jeremiah M. 216
Haymans, Elias 322
Hays, Lambert 288
Hays, William R. 281
Haz, James 415
Heale, Peter 4
Heall, William 278
Hearn, James 2
Hearn, Michael, Sr. 266
Hearn, Theodore C. 265
Heath, William 180
Heather, Henry 544
Heather, Joseph 542
Heause, E. D. 237
Heck, John H. 279
Heck, John H. 709
Hedrick, Andrew Jackson 44
Height, William M. 342
Heller, Phillip 211
Helvingston, Joseph F. 282
Hemenury, Daniel A. 566
Hemming, T. C. 820
Henderson, Charles W. 178
Henderson, Henry 106
Hendry, Robert 198
Hendry, William H. 199
Herbert, Gilbert S. 202
Herbert, John W. 290
Hermans, John Phillip 241
Hermans, John S. 129
Hernandez, Maximo 303
Hicks, John B. 878
Higgenbotham, James 358
Higginbotham, James I. 809
Higgins, John G. 469
Hill, Chisley D. 152
Hill, S. B. 156
Hill, Stacy B. 649
Hille, Louis 790
Hindley, Matthew 173
Hintesman, John E. 808
Hitt, Daniel F. 238
Hitt, James M. 239
Hitt, Thomas E. 226
Hobkirk, Elizabeth 144
Hodges, Robert 724
Holbrook, Moses 56
Holbrook, Samuel Heaven 251
Holden, Francis 292
Holden, John 827
Hollingsworth, Enoch 295
Hollingsworth, John H. 851
Hollingsworth, Stephen 652
Holman, Isaac B. 601
Hooker, John I. 297
Hooker, William B. 296
Hope, David 224
Hope, Henry 411
Hope, William 129
Hopinghoff, Charles 876
Hopkins, Simon P. 100
Horn, Moses 341
Houston, George 112
Houston, George 751
Houston, John C. 7
Houston, I. S. 223
Howard, A.G. 296
Howard, Richard 292
Howard, Seth 299
Howard, Wily 932
Howe, Walter 132
Howell, Joseph 378
Howren, James C. 162
Hoyt, Rufus 108
Hudson, Samuel 864
Hughs, John 611
Hull, James 392
Hull, John T. 371
Hull, Stephen 271
Humby, William 915
Humphreys, F. C. 242
Hunter, George W. 529
Hunter, Nathaniel P. 127
Hunter, William H. 49
Hutchinson, Jim J. 17
Hutchinson, John W. 157
Hutchinson, Thomas W. 104
Hyrne, Peter G. 303
Irwin, John 125
Irwin, John M. 591
Ivy, Anthony 65
Jackson, Andrew 47
Jackson, Henry 342
Jackson, John 917
Jackson, Robert 239
Jackson, William 246
Jackson, William H. 213
James, Lawrence N. 347
Janney, James M. 46
Jansen, Peter 232
Jaudon, E.G. 261
Jenkins, Cyrian T. 334
Jenkins, Lewis 258
Jenkins, Rebecca 866
Jernigan, Aaron 272
Jernigan, Isaac 273
Jessup, Henry 102
Jimmie, James 274
Johns, Cornelius 546
Johns, Edward 543
Johns, Isaac 416
Johns, Luke 75
Johns, William Sr. 831
Johnson, Hester H. 525
Johnson, Jackson 485
Johnson, James 285
Johnson, James 719
Johnson, James A. 900
Johnson, John 374
Johnson, John E. 142
Johnson, K. B. 527
Johnson, Samuel 188
Johnson, Simpson 356
Johnson, Vinson 526
Johnson, William W 354
Jones, A. M. 355
Jones, Alfred H. 912
Jones, Arthur W. 684
Jones, James D. 67
Jones, Joseph 939
Jones, Matthew E. 438
Jones, Parke 291
Jones, Robert 333
Jones, T.W. 368
Jones, Thomas B. 257
Jones, William E. 256
Jordan, Thomas P. 804
Kaple, Charles 322
Keates, John 761
Keen, Simeon 103
Keil, Adam 339
Kelly, Henry 412
Kelly, William 9
Kemp, Samuel 141
Kendrick, William 901
Kennedy, James 177
Kenney, Thomas F. 240
Kenny, Theodore H. 218
Kenny, Thomas J. 922
Keogh, James 89
Kindricks, Edward Z. 632
King, Henry 264
Kingsley, James 413
Kirksey, B. B. W. 582
Kittles, Thomas C. 93
Knapp, John S. 197
Knight, Abraham 345
Knight, Elias J. 11
Knight, Gail 436
Knight, Jane 441
Knight, Jesse 434
Knight, John I. 171
Knight, Joseph J. 904
Knight, Samuel 435
Rubles, William 499
Lamkin, James W. 357
Lancaster, Henry 837
Land, David 463
Lane, Herman 437
Lang, Charles M. 840
Langfair, Aaron L. 61
Lauderdale, John 254
Law, Peter W. 249
Leaver, Phillip S. 600
Ledwith, Michael 599
Lee, Edmund 325
Lee, Vincent 55
Lemkes, Henry 213
Lenny, Charles 18
Lennyq, William W. 45
Levick, John 589
Lewis, Elzy 706
Lewis, Jonathan 703
Lewis, John 705
Lewis, Lualan 704
Lewis, William I. 702
Libby, Hammond 288
Liebetrae, Augustus 545
Lignowski, B. R. 778
Limbaker, A.W. 152
Lin, John B. 814
Lindsey, Henry 85
Livingston, Robert G. 788
Lockwood, William 920
Long, James 145
Lowe, John 139
Lowe, William 187
Luiker, C.E. 212
Lynch, Christopher B. 537
Lynn, Daniel 745
Lyon, Andrew Jackson 539
Lyon, Janathan 276
Lyon, Joseph 221
Lytle, James H. 232
Mabriety, Frances 270
Macinnis, John 942
MacLendon, James 101
Macy, Charles C. 919
Magee, Arthur 191
Magee, Patrick 236
Magee, Patrick 558
Magrath, John 68
Makay, Charles 563
Makay, Diogenes 222
Manney, Jacob 426
Mannez, Ephraim 625
Marsh, Samuel B. 157
Marshall, George 183
Marshall, Thomas 184
Martin, Emanuel H. 518
Martin, Tobias 64
Mason, James D. 176
Massey, James 502
Mathews, Charles 762
Mattair, James R. 608
Matthews, Francis 139
Maughans, Ann 408
McCaffery, Dennis 926
McCall, Allen R. 279
McCall, John B. 280
McCarty, Sterling 250
McCay, Alexander 564
McClellan, Andrew 813
McClellan, Susan 553
McDavid, D.A. 156
McDermott, Edward 267
McFee1ey, Patrick 140
McGillionay, John Geyer 368
Mclnroy, William 578
McIntosh, Daniel 621
McIntosh, John A. 620
McIntosh, John M. 49
McKay, George 630
McKenney, William 102
McLeod, Alexander 391
McLeod, Daniel M. 271
McLeod, James A. 743
McLevill, Archibald 741
McLevill, Norman L. 742
McMillun, Daniel 595
McNeil, James 521
McNeil, John 170
McNeil, Neil 431
McNubb, James 888
McRory, James St. 161
McSees, Daniel 252
McVane, James D. 242
Meanahan, James 305
Mears, William H. 293
Mears, William W. 478
Meeks, John 879
Meirs, William H. 398
Merrill, Nathan F. 130
Mickler, Jacob 255
Mickler, Matthew 237
Microuskie, Lewis 72
Midlam, Francis 343
Miller, Harman 559
Miller, Jacob 710
Miller, John F. 3
Miller, Joshua 841
Mills, Benjamin 842
Mills, William 55
Mink, John 874
Mitchell, George 167
Mitchell, John R. 183
Mitchell, Thomas C. 174
Mitchell, William 163
Mizell, David Jr. 717
Mizell, Joseph 623
Mizell, Morgan 201
Mobley, Elethorn 206
Mobley, John 204
Mobley, William 476
Monroe, David 364
Monroe, John 366
Monroe, Simeon 400
Moody, Benjamin 253
Moody, Benjamin 903
Moody, John 511
Moody, Nathaniel M. 200
Moody, Paron 262
Moody Solomon 338
Mooney, Alfred 629
Moonez, Valentine 486
Moore, George A. 88
Moore, James 275
Moore, John 172
Moore, Joseph 880
Moore, Leander G. 765
Moore, Samuel L. 357
Morez, Joseph 417
Morgan, Daniel A. 448
Morgan, Ephraim Preston 447
Morgan, William J. 114
Morris, L. S. 340
Morrison, Hugh 612
Morrison, Thomas 81
Morrison, Murdock 871
Morse, A.H. 126
Munden, Allen B. 63
Munden, Rebecca 62
Munroe, Neill 730
Murphy, Henry 723
Murphy, J.B. 338
Myers, George 664
Nayler, Mathew 596
Neal, L.M. 331
Nelson, William 937
Netherton, Thomas H. 662
Newcomb, Bradford S. 329
Newson, John 906
Newton, Charles 787
Neyland, John P. 354
Nemeyer, Charles H. 243
Niell, John 661
Nix, Edward I. 460
Nojo, A.B. 442
Noles, Ausemus E. 839
Nolte, William 231
North, James 487
Norton, Edward 158
Norton, Lewis 585
Noyes, Augustus E. 834
Oliville, Manuel 610
Osmun, Robert E. 225
Osteen, James 303
Otterstaeller, Henry 105
Oxlade, Thomas 217
Pace, George 169
Pace, James 472
Palin, James M. 278
Palin, John M. 190
Palmier, John M. 471
Parish, Crawford 466
Parish, John S. 861
Park, John 936
Parker, John 651
Parker, William 535
Parrish, T. I. 613
Parsons, Thomas Henry 25
Patrick, Dennis M. 720
Patten, George 12
Patterson, David 459
Pearce, James C. 658
Pearce, Levi 252
Pearce, Samuel 381
Pearce, Stephen E. 451
Pearson, Brid M. 729
Pearson, Jeremiah B. 289
Pearl, John 520
Peck, Henry P. 148
Peck, Samuel H. 63
Peele, Charles G. 557
Pellicer, Andrew J Jr. 108
Pellicer, Francis J, Jr. 109
Pellicier, John Jr. 107
Pennington, Jesse 522
Pennington, William 615
Perry, Asa M. 273
Perry, John 733
Perry, Robert P. 240
Perry, William 182
Peterson, Malam C. 474
Peterson, Henry 168
Peterson, Peter 796
Peterson, Thomas 166
Pettit, Elias 829
Petty, George Sr. 131
Phillipe, Odet 80
Phillips, John H. 740
Pickett, J.C. 794
Piles, James 91
Piles, James W. 373
Piles, Thomas W. 150
Piles, William 266
Pinckston, Mills K. 489
Pinkham, Reuben H. 19
Pinkston, James T. 931
Pinkston, Joseph L. 730
Piper, Thomas 885
Pool, Eveliner 333
Pool, Henrietta 330
Pool, James A. 244
Porter, William S. 101
Poth, Adam 711
Potter, Constant 94
Prevatt, Elisha R. 492
Prevatt, James S. 560
Prevatt, Joseph F. 653
Prevatt, Seth S. 491
Prevost, Lewis Mallet Jr 189
Price, Henry Y. 828
Price, James 245
Price, Miles 50
Priest, Emma 39
Priest, George W. 35
Priest, Granville 37
Priest, William 36
Prine, Richard D. 757
Proctor, William 153
Pucker, M. John 144
Pullman, Nathaniel 507
Purviance, John T. 362
Quigley, Owen 133
Rackleff, George W. 83
Rags, Laurence 473
Ratcliff, Richard M. 406
Rawls, George 633
Rawls, John G. 643
Rawlinson, Liberty F. 685
Rea, Jonathan 320
Reardon, John G. 238
Redding, Gail W. 570
Redding, William H. 569
Reid, R. R. 193
Reid, Sam 316
Reinhardt, David 233
Reinhardt, John Q. A. 234
Reinhardt, Marcus W. 540
Renfroe, Enoch 940
Renfroe, Joel E. 583
Renfroe, Solomon 586
Rex, George 64
Richard, John C. 561
Richards, Anthony 359
Richards, D. 206
Richards, Joseph Robert 562
Richaught, John 625
Richaught, Richard 626
Richmond, Eli 87
Richmond, Samuel 498
Richrall, Paul 210
Ridaught, Mathew R. 781
Riggs, J. W. 133
Roach, Charles 833
Roach, Spencer Ive 324
Roberts, Robert 204
Roberts, William 946
Robertson, Carrel E. H. 870
Robertson, John M. 930
Robertson, Thomas 843
Robertson, Thomas E. 844
Robinson, George 328
Robinson, James 112
Roddenberry, Allen 758
Rodgers, John 326
Rodgers, Samuel 852
Rogers, Edmund 593
Rogers, Robert 655
Rogers, William 656
Roman, Jouchin 674
Rook, Thomas 126
Rose, Alexander R. 196
Rose, William P. 188
Rossignol, Louis H. 115
Rudler, Anthony F. 323
Rudler, F. J. 308
Rudler, Michael 147
Rudler, Sebastian 224
Rudolph, Lebulon 174
Russell, Charles 692
Russell, David 138
Russell, Isaac 155
Russell, James H. 16
Russell, Thomas L. 33
Sams, F. W. 854
Sanchez, John I. 780
Sanchez, Joseph 200
Sanchez, Santiago R. 282
Sanders, James W. 639
Sanders, John 641
Sanders, Samuel 638
Sapp, Mark 536
Saule, Jacob G. 169
Sauls, George 196
Schrader, John 918
Schultz, Charles 115
Scobie, Charles 179
Scobie, Nathaniel C. 40
Scott, John 286
Scott, Joseph W. 259
Scott, William 747
Seals, Cornelius 776
Sears, William W. 771
Seckinger, Isaiah 43
Seely, Gabriel 205
Seitner, John C. 318
Selph, Ezekiel 700
Selph, John 488
Selph, John P. 221
Selph, William M. 697
Severy, John 867
Severy, Michael 739
Shaw, William H. 301
Sheldon, John D. 118
Sheperd, William Henry 943
Sheppard, N. 5
Shepperd, Thomas I. 816
Sheridan, Michael 609
Sherous, Clatus 802
Sherous, Godleff 857
Sherouse, Israel 803
Sherouse, John C. 30
Shields, John 670
Shultz, Michael 399
Silver, Joseph 588
Simpson, Archibald 60
Simpson, John 3
Skidmore, John 319
Skiffington, Bernard 52
Smith, Abram 264
Smith, Archibald 534
Smith, Charles D. 58
Smith, Jacob 123
Smith, Jeremiah 941
Smith, Joel B. 92
Smith, John 249
Smith, John A. 581
Smith, Jordan 865
Sneed, Edward 594
Snidez, Samuel 775
Sparkman, Nathaniel B. 657
Sparkman, Simeon L. 622
Sparkman, Peter 738
Speer, Algernon S. 159
Spencer, William S. 631
Sprague, George W. 70
Sprawl, Charles W. 455
Squire, Ralph J. 328
Stafford, John M. 15
Stafford, Joshua 255
Stafford, Robert 504
Stafford, William H. 548
Standly, Elizabeth B. 94
Starr, Samuel H. 82
Stearn, L. H. 207
Steele, Augustus 347
Steifel, William M. 155
Stephen, Joham 726
Stephens, James 28
Stephens, James 52
Stergess, Elizabeth 428
Stergess, Nelson 427
Steryhters, R.S. 369
Stevens, Arnold H. 79
Stevens, William 440
Stevenson, S. H. 24
Steward, Alexander 701
Stewart, Israel M. 894
Stewart, John L. 647
Stewart, Jonathan 646
Stewart, Jonathan K. 555
Stewart, Marhew A. 648
Stoatz, John A. 121
Stokes, Andrew J. 735
Stokes, Burrell T. 614
Stokes, Joseph 736
Stow, Edward J. 65
Stoy, Thaddeus S. 348
Stringer, Alexander 853
Stull, William H. 505
Stundfield, Thomas 884
Stundley, Sehon I 686
Sturrat, Harrison 532
Sturrat, Thomas 533
Sullivan, George 604
Swan, John G. 147
Sweet, Charles 722
Sweet, Thomas W. 819
Swilley, Samuel E. 654
Sykes, William 284
Talmadge, John 910
Tammadge, John 944
Taylor, Burrel 752
Taylor, Charles 13
Taylor, Gibbons M. 248
Taylor, John C. 938
Taylor, John S. 20
Taylor, Joseph 571
Taylor, Robert Burns 167
Taylor, Samuel 164
Taylor, William 130
Thomas, Daniel 259
Thomas, Daniel J. 172
Thomas, James T. 737
Thomas, Jesse E. 772
Thomas, Nicholas 773
Thomas, William O. 748
Thompson, Eustatia 605
Thompson, Isham 315
Thompson, John 818
Throp, Theodore 934
Tillis, Willoughby 928
Tillow, John R. 220
Tison, George 197
Tison, James 190
Tomb, William R. 86
Tomez, Rafael Aurelio 362
Tompkins, John 387
Tormey, Michael 500
Torres, Jocob 38
Townsend, John 855
Trammell, Drakeford L. 214
Trayler, Robert 215
Tresca, Frederick 164
Trescott, William 397
Triten, Redding 640
Troutman, Henry 313
Truces, Alexander 768
Trucy, Charles C. 718
Tucker, Andrew J. 721
Tucker, EIijah 149
Tucker, Elijah R. 337
Tucker, James B. 607
Tucker, John 573
Tucker, Pleasant T. 574
Tucker, William W. 83
Turchiville, Charles A. 352
Turchiville, Wilson D. 351
Turmon, Simon 921
Turner, David B. 128
Turner, George 71
Turner, James 70
Turner, James 350
Turner, Reddin 519
Turner, Samuel Austin 30
Turner, William 16
Turner, William I. 247
Turner, William J. 691
Turtle, Nicholas 66
Tuten, Hampten 444
Tuten, James R. 443
Tyner, Clement 185
Tyner, John G. 92
Tyner, Johnathan 69
Tyner, Leonard B. 99
Tyner, William E. 159
Usener, William 792
Vance, Allen 454
Vance, Joseph 90
Vance, Joseph H. 450
Vaughn, Augustus J. 113
Vaught, Christopher M. 909
Vanzant, Garrett 465
Vernon, William Henry 173
Walker, A. P. 727
Walker, Samuel H Jr. 483
Walter, John C. 293
Walter, Josephine 306
Ward, William D. 57
Wards, A. F. 198
Warral, Alexander 245
Warren, Benjamin 254
Washburn, Arba 99
Waterman, Adin 90
Waters, Gabrial 481
Waters, Joseph 480
Waterston, John 203
Waterston, Robert 914
Weedon, Fredereick 1
Weeks, Archibald 372
Weeks, Esther 208
Weeks, James 343
Weeks, James W. 241
Weeks, John 883
Weeks, Thomas 838
Weeks, Thomas 882
Weeks, William 856
Weightman, Thomas H. 297
Welch, Patrick 568
Welles, Jacob 219
West, Ann 462
Wharthen, Green H. 603
Whiddon, Dicy 707
Whiddon, John H. 517
Whiddon, William 516
Whimster, David 81
White, James 359
White, John C. 305
Whitehurst, Daniel S. 556
Whiten, James 850
Whitner, Benjamin F. 277
Whitten, M. 405
Whitters, Noah 403
Whitters, W. 402
Whittier, Thomas D. 577
Whittner, William 634
Wickwise, Henry A. 696
Wienges, Eberhardt 145
Wiese, John J. 734
Wiggins, Daniel 121
Wiggins, John 120
Wiggins, Richard 115
Wiggins, Richard C. 122
Wightman, John W. 350
Wilder, H.M. 477
Wilhammer, Zacharias 509
Wilkie, Frederick 256
Wilkie, William 117
Williams, Anderson 401
Williams, John 262
Williams, John L. 28
Williams, Robert H. 51
Williams, Samuel H. 286
Williams, William H. 120
Willis, Alfred 71
Willis, Daniel 650
Willis, Jackson J. 23
Willis, P. A. 85
Willison, Edward F. 456
Willison, Edward F. 731
Wilson, Daniel 19
Wilson, Henry C. 769
Wilson, John R. 470
Wilson, Samuel 868
Wilson, Simon 48
Wilson, William 508
Wingate, George 460
Winter, Mrs. Anna 351
Woodland, James R. 258
Wolfe, Irwin L. 410
Worthington, Enos 332
Worthington, Peter 247
Wright, Levi 209
Wright, Samuel W. 457
Wright, William 330
Wyatt, William 714
Wyatt, William H. 713
Yates, John H. 80
York, Peter 14
Young, John D. 34
Youngblood, Robert 770
Zachardzak, Zygmunt 409
Zierman, John 124
Zimmer, Thomas 945
Zipperez, John I. 593
Zipperez, John M. 677
Zipperez, John M., Sr. 680
Zipperez, Joseph E. 679
Zipperez, Solomon E. 676
Zipperez, Thomas I. 678
Zylstra, John P. 39
Zylstra, P.C. 41
Calliday, Seymour 366
Cato, Abraham 335
Crum, Andrew 109
Demick, B.C. 341
Evertson, John R. 360
Gardner, James H. 356
Grant, James S. 78
Grant, James S. ?
Height, William M. 342
Mitchel, Charles A. 334
Pritchard, Paul 355
Richard, Francis 337
Richardson, Sebron 344
Scranton, Alexander 336
Sims, Frederick 327
Stoddard, Obediah 361
Stow, John B. 326
Sullivan, Charles E. 363
Thompson, Randolph C. 316
Whitehurst, Asa 893
Whitehurst, John 896
Whitehurst, Levi S. 554
Whitehurst, William S. 552
Young, Charles D. 346